
Load Data on City Populations and Combine With Covid Data Using SQL

Data and Setup

The raw data is downloaded from

The downloaded file is zipped and has a date in the name. So the name will probably change. It has footnotes at the bottom. And the Reliability column is quoted and contains commas. Therefore, we open it in Excel, manually remove the footnotes and save the result as tab-separated values in world_data\city_populations\import_me.txt. Then load the data using SQL Server Management Studio and this code.

Or you can see all of the scripts and files in this github repo


USE [world_data]

How many unique countries do we have in the data?

SELECT count(DISTINCT CountryOrArea)
FROM [world_data].[dbo].[city_population]
WHERE Sex = 'Both Sexes'
(No column name)

How many countries have data for 2020 or after?

SELECT count(DISTINCT CountryOrArea)
FROM [world_data].[dbo].[city_population]
WHERE Year >= 2020 AND Sex = 'Both Sexes'
(No column name)

Try 2018.

FROM [world_data].[dbo].[city_population]
WHERE Year >= 2018 AND Sex = 'Both Sexes'
(No column name)

Still not enough countries. Let’s just get the most recent population number for each city.

WITH numbered_cte AS (
    SELECT CountryOrArea, City, Year, Value, 
        row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY CountryOrArea, City ORDER BY Year DESC) AS RowNumber
    FROM [world_data].[dbo].[city_population]
	WHERE Sex = 'Both Sexes'
SELECT CountryOrArea, City, Year, Value
FROM numbered_cte
WHERE RowNumber = 1
CountryOrArea City Year Value
China Shanghai 2010 23019196
Mexico MEXICO, CIUDAD DE 2021 21804515
China BEIJING (PEKING) 2010 19612368
Argentina BUENOS AIRES 2021 15567820.28
Pakistan Karachi 2017 14910352
India Greater Mumbai 2011 12442373
India Mumbai (Bombay) 2001 11978450
Russian Federation MOSKVA 2012 11918057
Pakistan Lahore 2017 11126285
India Delhi Municipal Corporation (DMC) 2011 11034555
Indonesia JAKARTA 2020 10562088
India Delhi 2001 9879172
Japan TOKYO 2020 9744534
China Chongqing 2000 9691901
Republic of Korea SEOUL 2019 9662041
Peru LIMA 2017 9562280
Egypt CAIRO 2017 9539673
Bangladesh DHAKA 2011 8906035
United States of America New York (NY) 2020 8804190
Iran (Islamic Republic of) TEHRAN 2016 8693706
China Guangzhou 2000 8524826
India Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) 2011 8495492

Data About Each Country’s Most Populous City.

Make a temp table of the most populous city in each country, based on latest available data

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #city_populations_nocodes;
WITH year_number_cte AS (
    SELECT CountryOrArea, City, Year, Value, 
        row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY CountryOrArea, City ORDER BY Year DESC) AS YearRowNumber
    FROM [world_data].[dbo].[city_population]
	WHERE Sex = 'Both Sexes'
latest_year_cte AS (
    SELECT CountryOrArea, City, Year, Value
    FROM year_number_cte
    WHERE YearRowNumber = 1
pop_number_cte AS (
    SELECT CountryOrArea, City, Value, 
        row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY CountryOrArea ORDER BY Value DESC) AS PopRowNumber
	FROM latest_year_cte
SELECT CountryOrArea, City, Value
INTO #city_populations_nocodes
FROM pop_number_cte
WHERE PopRowNumber = 1

-- Check our temp table
SELECT * FROM #city_populations_nocodes;

Make another temp table, this time with ISO three-letter country codes. We will use our table mapping country names to ISO codes, which was created with this data and code.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #city_populations;
SELECT city_pops.CountryOrArea, City, Value AS CityPop, ISOalpha3
INTO #city_populations
FROM #city_populations_nocodes AS city_pops
JOIN [world_data].[dbo].[country_codes] AS codes
ON city_pops.CountryOrArea = codes.CountryOrArea;

-- Check our final temp table of each countries largest city, with ISO country codes
SELECT * FROM #city_populations order by CityPop desc;
CountryOrArea City CityPop ISOalpha3
China Shanghai 23019196 CHN
Mexico MEXICO, CIUDAD DE 21804515 MEX
Argentina BUENOS AIRES 15567820.28 ARG
Pakistan Karachi 14910352 PAK
India Greater Mumbai 12442373 IND
Russian Federation MOSKVA 11918057 RUS
Indonesia JAKARTA 10562088 IDN
Japan TOKYO 9744534 JPN
Republic of Korea SEOUL 9662041 KOR
Peru LIMA 9562280 PER
Egypt CAIRO 9539673 EGY
Bangladesh DHAKA 8906035 BGD
United States of America New York (NY) 8804190 USA
Iran (Islamic Republic of) TEHRAN 8693706 IRN
Thailand BANGKOK 8305218 THA
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland LONDON 8135667 GBR
China, Hong Kong SAR HONG KONG SAR 7481800 HKG
Colombia BOGOTÁ, D.C. 7181469 COL
Brazil Rio de Janeiro 6320446 BRA
Singapore SINGAPORE 5685807 SGP
Australia Greater Sydney 5312163 AUS
Myanmar Yangon 5211431 MMR
Nigeria Lagos 5195247 NGA
Saudi Arabia RIYADH 5188286 SAU
Kenya NAIROBI 4395749 KEN

Combine Population Data with Covid Data

Create a temp table with number of reported new cases vs population monthly per country. And this time we include the iso_code column.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #monthly_cases;
  year([date]) AS [Year],
  month([date]) AS [MonthNum],
  datename(month, [date]) AS [MonthName],
  max([population]) as [MonthlyPopulation], 
  1000 * sum([new_cases])/max([population]) AS [MonthlyNewCasesPerThousand]
INTO #monthly_cases
FROM [world_data].[dbo].[owid_covid]
WHERE [continent] IS NOT NULL   -- Eliminates non-countries like "Asia" or "High income"
GROUP BY [location], [iso_code], year([date]), month([date]), datename(month, [date]);

Find countries with the most months during which more than 10 new cases were reported per thousand people and make it a CTE. Then JOIN with the city population data above, joining on the ISO country codes. And display in descending order of city population

WITH covid_months_cte AS (
SELECT [Location], iso_code, count(*) as [Months]
FROM #monthly_cases
WHERE ([MonthlyNewCasesPerThousand] >= 10) 
GROUP BY [Location], iso_code
HAVING count(*) > 0
SELECT covid_months_cte.Location AS Location, 
       covid_months_cte.iso_code AS CountryCode, 
	   covid_months_cte.Months AS Months, 
	   #city_populations.City AS LargestCity, 
	   #city_populations.CityPop As CityPopulation
FROM covid_months_cte
JOIN #city_populations
ON covid_months_cte.iso_code = #city_populations.ISOalpha3
ORDER BY CityPopulation DESC
Location CountryCode Months LargestCity CityPopulation
Argentina ARG 6 BUENOS AIRES 15567820.28
Russia RUS 1 MOSKVA 11918057
Japan JPN 3 TOKYO 9744534
South Korea KOR 4 SEOUL 9662041
Peru PER 1 LIMA 9562280
United States USA 8 New York (NY) 8804190
Iran IRN 1 TEHRAN 8693706
Thailand THA 1 BANGKOK 8305218
United Kingdom GBR 12 LONDON 8135667
Hong Kong HKG 2 HONG KONG SAR 7481800
Colombia COL 4 BOGOTÁ, D.C. 7181469
Brazil BRA 3 Rio de Janeiro 6320446
Singapore SGP 7 SINGAPORE 5685807
Australia AUS 6 Greater Sydney 5312163
Jordan JOR 5 AMMAN 4007526
Germany DEU 7 BERLIN 3644826
Spain ESP 6 MADRID 3300428
Canada CAN 2 Toronto 2988408
Ukraine UKR 3 KYIV 2893215
Italy ITA 8 ROMA 2846509.5
Ecuador ECU 1 Guayaquil 2291158
Azerbaijan AZE 1 BAKU 2285273
France FRA 10 PARIS 2206488
Cuba CUB 3 LA HABANA 2132288
Belarus BLR 1 MINSK 2018281
Kazakhstan KAZ 3 Almaty 1947040
Austria AUT 8 WIEN 1897491
Malaysia MYS 5 KUALA LUMPUR 1853918
Romania ROU 4 BUCURESTI 1835258
Poland POL 7 WARSZAWA 1792692
Hungary HUN 8 BUDAPEST 1751251
New Zealand NZL 5 Auckland 1717500
Mongolia MNG 8 ULAANBAATAR 1568550
Serbia SRB 9 BEOGRAD (BELGRADE) 1386727
Uruguay URY 7 MONTEVIDEO 1383601.242
Czechia CZE 11 PRAHA 1324277
Bulgaria BGR 6 SOFIA 1242568
Georgia GEO 11 TBILISI 1154314
Bolivia BOL 1 Santa Cruz 1113582
Armenia ARM 5 YEREVAN 1082949
Tunisia TUN 2 TUNIS 1056247
Dominican Republic DOM 1 SANTO DOMINGO 965040
Qatar QAT 3 DOHA 956457
Israel ISR 9 JERUSALEM 927931
Netherlands NLD 12 AMSTERDAM 821752
Croatia HRV 9 ZAGREB 790017
Sweden SWE 8 STOCKHOLM 789024
Norway NOR 5 OSLO 681067
Greece GRC 7 ATHINAI 664046
Chile CHL 4 Puente Alto 655033
Finland FIN 6 HELSINKI 650938.5
Denmark DNK 6 KOBENHAVN 633035
Latvia LVA 10 RIGA 614618
Jamaica JAM 1 KINGSTON 592291
Palestine PSE 6 Gaza 579481
Lithuania LTU 13 VILNIUS 556983
North Macedonia MKD 6 SKOPJE 546824
Ireland IRL 9 DUBLIN 544107
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH 3 SARAJEVO 527049
Paraguay PRY 2 ASUNCIÓN 513399
Portugal PRT 10 LISBOA 506654
Belgium BEL 8 Antwerpen (Anvers) 498473
Panama PAN 5 CIUDAD DE PANAMÁ 497113
Estonia EST 13 TALLINN 437619
Slovakia SVK 12 BRATISLAVA 435296
Namibia NAM 2 WINDHOEK 429974
Switzerland CHE 9 Z├╝rich 420217
Albania ALB 2 TIRANA 418495
Lebanon LBN 5 BEIRUT 363033
Costa Rica CRI 5 SAN JOSÉ 349678
Moldova MDA 4 CHISINAU (KISHINEV) 339079
Slovenia SVN 15 LJUBLJANA 285604
Bahamas BHS 1 NASSAU 266100
Maldives MDV 6 MALÉ 240984.1142
Suriname SUR 4 PARAMARIBO 240924
Botswana BWA 5 GABORONE 231592
Montenegro MNE 13 PODGORICA 185937
Bahrain BHR 9 MANAMA 153395
Mauritius MUS 5 PORT LOUIS 145793
Iceland ISL 6 REYKJAVIK 129964.5
Kuwait KWT 3 Salmiya 129775
Luxembourg LUX 11 LUXEMBOURG-VILLE 122823
Bhutan BTN 3 THIMPHU 114551
New Caledonia NCL 5 NOUMEA 94285
Fiji FJI 3 SUVA 74481
Kiribati KIR 1 TARAWA 63017
Cape Verde CPV 3 PRAIA 61644
Eswatini SWZ 2 MBABANE 60691
Vanuatu VUT 2 PORT VILA 50944
Grenada GRD 4 ST. GEORGE’S 38251
Samoa WSM 2 APIA 37391
Trinidad and Tobago TTO 3 PORT-OF-SPAIN 37074
Tonga TON 3 NUKU’ALOFA 35184
Gibraltar GIB 13 GIBRALTAR 34003
Monaco MCO 8 MONACO 31109
Aruba ABW 10 ORANJESTAD 28295
Cayman Islands CYM 8 GEORGE TOWN 28089
French Polynesia PYF 6 PAPEETE 26925
Seychelles SYC 15 VICTORIA 26450
Isle of Man IMN 11 DOUGLAS 26218
Guyana GUY 1 GEORGETOWN 24849
Antigua and Barbuda ATG 2 ST. JOHN 22342
Andorra AND 15 ANDORRA LA VELLA 22205
Greenland GRL 4 NUUK (GODTHAB) 18128
Dominica DMA 9 ROSEAU 16243
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT 3 KINGSTOWN 15466
Saint Kitts and Nevis KNA 3 BASSETERRE 14161
Belize BLZ 5 BELMOPAN 13939
Faeroe Islands FRO 5 TÓRSHAVN 13637
Cook Islands COK 3 RAROTONGA 13007
Palau PLW 5 KOROR 11754
Barbados BRB 9 BRIDGETOWN 7466
Malta MLT 5 VALLETTA 5860
Liechtenstein LIE 9 VADUZ 5701
Saint Pierre and Miquelon SPM 4 SAINT-PIERRE 5415
Turks and Caicos Islands TCA 4 GRAND TURK 4831
San Marino SMR 12 SAN MARINO 4127
Saint Lucia LCA 5 CASTRIES 3661
British Virgin Islands VGB 4 ROAD TOWN 3500
Bermuda BMU 9 Town of St. George 3398
Anguilla AIA 8 THE VALLEY 2812
Falkland Islands FLK 3 STANLEY 2460
Montserrat MSR 3 PLYMOUTH 1478
British Virgin Islands VGB 4 META-UTU 1126
Vatican VAT 1 VATICAN CITY 451


This query does not show more “outbreaks” for countries with large cities. However, the source of the covid data mentions that numbers are for reported cases, which is influenced by the fraction of actual covid cases identified by a countries medical system.

TODO: Look at population of largest city vs percentage of positive tests or adjust cases by a countries “testing rate” (tests/population).